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Yulia Niko

Armada Music Albums
ARDI4498 | 2024-03-08  
It’s often the most heartrending events that bring about reflection and a new viewpoint. For Yulia Niko, it was the passing of her father. They weren’t of the same mind on the career she’d chosen, but when she flicked through her father’s childhood photos, she realized their similarities and set out to translate that newfound perspective into sound. The result is a sincere and heartfelt ode to the person she held so dear. Her debut album, ‘TWINSOUL’. Approached like a blank canvas, Yulio Niko’s debut album lent itself perfectly for paying homage to her father. Stepping beyond the bounds of her sound to allow for experimentation, she skillfully links the ten songs together in terms of sound and production whilst infusing each track with a distinct narrative that draws from the chapters of her own life. Whether it’s through lead single ‘Satisfaction’ or never-heard-before tracks such as ‘Soul Of The World’ (feat. Illinois) and ‘Sand’ (with Moulinex), the album reflects two souls inherently linked and forever connected beyond life.“My father questioned my career choice and wanted me to pursue a different, more traditional route,” says Yulia Niko. “Just as I began to achieve success, he passed away. This album is dedicated to my father, and to show him that even though we didn’t see eye to eye on this particular matter, he was still the one who instilled in me the unwavering determination to make it work.”
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