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TSO067 | 2021-08-19  
Keeping on with a nice sequence of releases, we are delighted to announce another great debut on Tree Sixty One. With the background of having released on some of the big labels on the business, we are very happy to have on board Mr. James Silk. The first release with us couldn't be better, as James has delivered a sequence of three classic dance floors tracks to build a great EP.

'Light On Me', that gives name to the release, is a sampling treasure full of good vibes that can definitely turn our vibes up, delivering a special vocal cut, beautiful chords progression and that classic house music touch that we love.

The second one, 'Needin You', reminds us a golden era of House Music like the 2000's bringing again some wonderful chords and a perfect vocal on a very powerful track.

Last but not least, 'Hurt So Bad' close the EP with a groovy track a little bit more underground that still make a connection with the previous ones on a great sequence.


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