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MYNA067 | 2019-06-10  
Deep, Vocal, House Music.

Glass Slipper is a vocal House music project by Lisa Cork-Twiss and Brad Eller. Lisa is a former member of Real McCoy and Brad is a respected vet of the San Francisco Bay Area scene. Serendipity struck in 2013 after Brad read an interview with Lisa on a popular music blog. It was only after agreeing to an online collaboration that the two realized they both lived in Austin. Soon after, Glass Slipper was formed and the edict sent forth that if the shoe fits, dance in it!

Past releases on record labels - Moulton Music, POJI Records, Colour And Pitch, Delve Deeper, Nylon Trax, and PPMUSIC, Oh So Coy Recordings, Soulful Evolution.

Glass Slippers recent release, "Momentary Joy" on Colour And Pitch was premiered on IDJ Magazine
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